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Corridor Options
Recommended Preferred Alternative
- Using the information identified in the Alternatives Screening Document, along with discussions with the project team, project sponsors, and project partners, it is recommended that two southern alternatives and one northern alternative be carried forward into the environmental document for further evaluation and design.
- Alternatives A3 and A2/A4 are the southern alternatives recommended while Alternative C2 is the northern alternative that is recommended.
Northern Alternatives
Three northern alternatives are being considered between State Road 2 and State Road 39. The alternatives are briefly described below:
- Severs Road: This alternative would involve upgrading and widening of the existing roadway facilities from the intersection of SR 39 and Severs Road, east towards CR 200 N, 0.22 mile east of Genesis Dive, and then the alternative curves southeast to tie into SR 2. The estimated length is 2.76 miles.
- Alternative C1: This alternative would involve upgrading and widening of the existing roadway facilities from the intersection of SR 39 and CR 300 N, east to 0.36 mile west of CR 100 W. the alternative would then involve new roadway construction east to CR 50 W where it would then curve southeast and tie into SR 2. The estimated length is 3.68 miles.
- Alternative C2: This alternative would involve new construction starting at SR 39, 0.22 mile south of I-90, east to CR 50 W. this alternative would then curve southeast and continue south to tie into SR 2. The estimated length is approximately 4.45 miles.
Southern Alternatives
Five southern alternatives are being considered between US 35 and State Road 2. The alternatives are briefly described below:
- Alternative A1: This alternative would involve new construction starting at SR 2, 0.24 mile east of Boyd Boulevard. The new construction will extend southwest for one mile and connect with existing Boyd Boulevard, 0.89 mile southeast of SR 2. This alternative would involve improvements to Boyd Boulevard until it ties into SR 2. The estimated length is 3.43 miles.
- Alternative A2: This alternative would involve new construction starting at SR 2, 0.29 mile east of Boyd Boulevard. The new construction would extend southeast for 1.05 miles and then begin to curve southwest south of Division Road. The new construction would continue southwest for 1.4 miles and connect with existing Boyd Boulevard at the Stevens Road intersection. This alternative would then improve the remainder of Boyd Boulevard until its intersection with US 35. The estimated length of A2 is 3.81 miles.
- Alternative A3: This alternative would involve new construction started at SR 2. The new construction would extend southeast for 0.9 mile and then begin to curve south, north of Division Road. The new construction would extend 1.16 miles south and then begin to curve southwest, 0.25 mile southwest of SR 4. The new construction would extend southwest to connect with US 35, 0.1 mile north of Boyd Boulevard. The estimated length of this alternative is 3.65 miles.
- Alternative A2/A4: This alternative would involve new construction starting at SR 2. The new construction would extend southeast for 1.66 miles and then begin to curve southwest at Division Road. The new construction would extend southwest for 2.37 miles until it connects with US 35. The estimated length of A2/A4 is 4.03 miles.
- Alternative A4: This alternative would involve new construction starting at SR 2. The new construction will extend southeast for 1.6 miles and then begin to curve southwest, 0.19 mile east of CR 150 E. The new construction will extend southwest for 1.7 miles and the begin to curve west, 0.06 mile south of Stevens Road. The project will then extend west until it connects to US 35, 0.37 mile south of Boyd Boulevard. The estimated length of A4 is 4.99 miles.
Upcoming Meetings
April 13, 2021 6:00 PM CST and conclude by 7:30 PM CST La Porte Civic Auditorium, 1001 Ridge Street, La Porte, IN 46350
Social distancing guidelines will be followed. The capacity of the meeting will be limited to 100 people. Project team members will wear face masks and project displays will be placed six feet apart. Meeting attendees will be required to wear face masks. Disposable face masks will be provided if attendees do not bring their own mask. Hand sanitizer will be available. Doors will open 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
The La Porte North South Corridor project ties in with other city, county and region initiatives. To learn more, please see the resources below.
The Thaddeus C. Gallery fully supports the North-South Corridor in La Porte. This project would create a more pedestrian friendly environment, thus improving the quality of life for residents, visitors and business owners in our historic downtown. We strongly believe that the rerouting of heavy truck traffic will improve the air quality, pedestrian safety and shopping experience in our lovely downtown.
Laura and Thaddeus Cutler
Owners of the Thaddeus C. Gallery
Redirecting traffic via a route around downtown would not only lessen traffic downtown and improve the quality of life that all seek, but it would also provide local manufactures an avenue to better serve our customers in a more timely and cost effective fashion.
Frank M. Cardello
VP Operations/CFO, Packaging Logic, Inc.
From my perspective, I see getting the truck congestion out of downtown La Porte through The North South Corridor Project as one of the few major pieces needed to create a thriving downtown. A thriving downtown plays a huge role in attracting and retaining stable, talented team members to help B&B continue growing at our 15%+ clip.
Rick Talbert
B&B Manufacturing, Inc.
Freight and supported freight infrastructure are critical to supplying the needs of business and consumers alike. A community that doesn’t create a forward looking plan to support and develop logistical needs will find itself in arrears very quickly and dangerously force freight channels into non-freight areas putting the community at risk at many different levels. Supporting the North-South Corridor is essential to keeping our business freight flowing while keeping our trucks and equipment on a safer road system as La Porte grows through the 21st century.
Todd Henson
As a small business owner in Downtown La Porte, I strongly believe giving trucks (or others) who simply want to pass through our COMMUNITY an alternate route is beyond wise. They aren't interested in VISITING our town or siting outside my cafe, they want to get to their DESTINATION. I am all for saving our downtown for people who want to be there and enjoy it. For me it is that simple . The North South Corridor is a win-win.
Charity Hlavsa
Owner, Hot Spot Café
Contact Us
The La Porte North South Corridor is dedicated to helping the community thrive. We believe with less traffic our downtown community will not only be safer but also friendlier to current and future businesses. However, change is never easy, and we understand if you have questions or concerns. Please feel free to start a conversation with us using the form below. We are happy to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.